Hello everyone. I am so not a good blogger. I guess I'll get that together one day but it has been a challenge since my computer is broken and I have been doing everything from my phone. I was doing fine taking pics of my items and listing until Etsy made updates, now my phone and Etsy do not get along. I will probably be leaving Etsy for other reasons, but I won't get into that here. I just wanted to let those of you who are nice enough to still be following my blog that I am still around. :) Here are some things that I have been doing. BTW, if you don't know already, I LOVE making these photo collages... :) Be blessed!
About Me

- Reaction Designer Jewelry + Accessories
- I am a self-taught jewelry designer with a passion for the creative. I have a background in all sorts of things creative, that has overflowed into my Jewelry making. I have been a Hair Stylist, I have dressed retail showcases, been a make-up artist, I have done gift-baskets, centerpieces and studied & dabbled in interior design and graphic arts . I am always looking to educate my self more and more. I'm just a natural girl, living in this world, spreading peace and positivity.