Sunday, April 26, 2009

Helping My Jewelry Pics

I have always had issues with taking pictures of my jewelry. It was such a task, I would have to take a gazillion pictures to get one good or half way decent image. I still don't like that part of the process, I'd rather be making jewelry instead of taking pictures of it.

My cousin, who also does jewelry in Ohio found a blog with a girl who had instuctions for a home made light box, and I would like to thank RED PANDA for this, it works great here is a picture of mine.
Just a regular cardboard box with holes cut out at the top and on each side covered with a piece of white paper and you shine the light from all three sides. (I only have one light I am using right now, so I imagine when I get 2 more the pics will be even
It looks crude, but is very effective. Thanks again RED PANDA!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Etsy Sale April 23, 2009

I received my first sale on Etsy last night, and even thought it was just a pair of earrings that meant a lot to me, and boy was I excited. To know that people all over the country can look at and appreciate your work is a good feeling. Although I still have a regular full time job at a large corporate company, I look forward to the day when I can do one of the things that I was meant to do full time. I am always thinking positive and know that if others were blessed to do what they love as their only means of income, I know that I am blessed and will be doing the same thing one day. Here's a pic of the earrings I sold.